
Nashville Sex Crimes Attorney

Lawyer for Rape, Child Pornography & More in Nashville, TN

Sex crimes are some of the worst offenses to be accused of. The moment you are arrested, the collateral consequences - penalties imposed by society rather than by a court - begin. You might have already experienced the humiliation of seeing yourself in the news, especially if you work in a position of trust, such as if you are a teacher, doctor, or therapist. Your employer may have fired you, or you might be facing disciplinary action if you hold a professional license. If you are a college student, you might have been suspended pending a hearing or forced out of your dorm room. A protection order was likely issued, forcing you to stay away from the alleged victim. If you are convicted, the consequences only get more severe.

The Baker Law Firm provides representation for people who have been accused of sex offenses. We will work to ensure that your rights are respected while providing you with the best defense possible given the circumstances. If going to trial is the best way to defend your case, rest assured that you will have a zealous and strategic advocate.

Online Solicitation of a Minor

Online solicitation of a minor means using the internet to carry on a sexually explicit conversation with a minor or to encourage a minor to engage in any act that would constitute a sex crime if it were carried out. This includes inducing a minor to create pornographic images of themselves. There does not have to be an actual minor involved - in many cases, the individual a defendant believed was a minor was actually an undercover law enforcement officer. You do not need to have made an actual attempt to meet the minor in person, but your case may be considerably more serious if you did.

Child Pornography

This crime is called "sexual exploitation of a minor" in Tennessee, even if you were only in possession of the material. There are different degrees of this offense, with simple possession of less than 50 images being the least serious. Distributing, exchanging, buying, selling, or promoting the material is a more serious charge. The offense is considered especially aggravated if you were involved with the production of child pornography in any way.

Sexual Battery and Rape

Sexual assault involves any form of nonconsensual sexual contact, including sexual contact made through the victim's or defendant's clothing. Rape explicitly refers to nonconsensual sexual penetration, including oral, anal, and vaginal penetration, however slight.

One of these offenses may be charged if the sexual contact or sexual penetration was carried out by force, coercion, or fraud, or under circumstances where the victim was unable to provide consent or was forced to consent. This includes cases where the victim was so heavily intoxicated that they could not meaningfully consent, or where the victim was mentally incompetent or physically helpless for other reasons. Aggravated rape might be charged if the victim was injured, if the defendant had a weapon or caused the victim to think they did, or if a second person helped to facilitate the rape.

Statutory rape is charged when the victim was less than 18 years old but at least 13 years old, and the defendant was an adult at least four years older than the victim. Child rape is the most serious form of rape. Child rape is charged when the victim was between the ages of eight and 13 years old. Aggravated child rape - which carries a mandatory sentence of life without parole - is charged when the victim is less than eight years old. The state does not need to prove that force, coercion, or fraud was used, only that the victim was a child and the act of penetration occurred.

Contact a Nashville, TN Sex Crimes Lawyer

The Baker Law Firm can provide a strong defense in high-level felony cases, including sex crimes. If you have been accused of a sexual offense, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary and confidential consultation.

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