
Knoxville Drug Manufacturing Defense Lawyer

Experienced Attorney for Major Drug Crimes in Knoxville, TN

Drug manufacturing is considered a major drug crime in Tennessee. Being charged with this offense jeopardizes your entire future. While people who are arrested for simple possession might be afforded some sympathy and treated as victims of the drug epidemic, people caught manufacturing drugs are more likely to be seen as part of the forces responsible for the high rate of addiction. Even something as simple as growing a few marijuana plants for your own personal use might be enough to get you charged with drug manufacturing in Tennessee. Those caught producing drugs that carry a stronger potential for addiction and provide for more serious penalties are likely to be treated much more harshly.

The Baker Law Firm can defend people accused of manufacturing drugs of all types. Our team will work strategically and aggressively to provide you with the best defense possible.

What Drug Manufacturing Means

Drug manufacturing is a fairly broad term that applies to both production and cultivation. You do not need to actually create the drug to be charged with this crime - preparing, compounding, propagating, or converting a controlled substance also falls under these laws. Manufacturing includes things like cooking methamphetamine, repackaging a large quantity of heroin into smaller containers, growing psychedelic mushrooms, or even baking with cannabis products.

The quantity you were producing -and in possession of - does matter, as those caught manufacturing drugs en masse are likely to be treated as distributors or traffickers. However, you can still be charged with manufacturing if you were only preparing a small amount intending to use it yourself.

College students are sometimes charged with this crime when they attempt to experiment with creating LSD or cooking with cannabis. Being charged with this serious felony offense can be a big problem for students who are looking forward to a bright future. A drug manufacturing conviction can have a far-reaching impact on anyone's life.

Penalties for Drug Manufacturing

This crime is not treated lightly in Tennessee. Possible consequences of a drug manufacturing conviction include:

  • Long-term incarceration - Depending on the type of drug involved and the amount you were allegedly manufacturing, the possible prison sentence could range from several years to multiple decades. Sentencing enhancements might apply if there were certain factors present. For example, if you used or even possessed a weapon or committed the offense near a school, playground, or youth center, you might face a longer sentence.
  • Steep fines - The court will likely want to ensure that you cannot retain any profit from manufacturing drugs. You may be fined a large amount, and you may also be subjected to asset forfeiture.
  • Probation or parole - Being on probation or parole can make your life quite challenging. You will likely be subjected to routine and random drug tests, searches of your residence, and frequent check-ins. Failing to meet a condition can get you sent straight back to prison.
  • Collateral consequences - These are the consequences of a drug crime conviction that a court does not impose, but you will face anyway. They might include struggling to find a good job or a landlord who is willing to rent to you. You may face discipline at school or be denied educational opportunities based on your conviction. You may also notice a serious impact on your social life, as some people are hesitant to associate with a convicted felon.

Contact a Knoxville, TN Drug Manufacturing Lawyer

The Baker Law Firm is dedicated to providing excellent representation to each and every client. If you are facing charges involving drug manufacturing, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.

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