
Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorneys

Attorney for DUI, Violent Crimes, & More in Knoxville, Tennessee

The Baker Law Firm

Finding yourself in a position where you are looking for a criminal defense attorney can be incredibly stressful. Most people in your shoes are not hardened criminals. They are just like you - normal citizens who made a mistake or are struggling with addiction, mental health, or other issues that can drive people to commit crimes. Or, you may not be guilty of the offense you are charged with at all. You may have used reasonable self-defense or had your civil rights violated by the police, meaning that you should not be convicted. Either way, you need a highly experienced criminal defense attorney to defend your rights and fight for your freedom.

The Baker Law Firm is ready to provide you with a strategic and aggressive defense beginning the moment you contact us. We serve clients in Nashville, Knoxville, and throughout Eastern and Middle Tennessee. We will present the best defense possible, no matter what kind of crime you are charged with.

Tennessee Lawyer for All Types of Criminal Charges

Our firm can represent you in all types of cases, from minor misdemeanors to the most serious felony crimes. We can help with charges including:

  • DUI - Getting arrested for drunk driving is often a person's first contact with the criminal justice system. First DUIs can still lead to a license suspension and some jail time, while repeat DUIs are far more serious. There are many ways to defend a DUI case, including challenging your BAC test or field sobriety test.
  • Drug possession - Having even a small amount of hard drugs can get you charged with a felony. Marijuana possession is a very common crime among college students and can be a misdemeanor if you only had a small amount.
  • Drug trafficking - You do not need to be a high-level drug dealer to be charged with trafficking. Even selling - or just sharing - a few pills can get you charged with this felony offense.
  • Assault and domestic violence - A misdemeanor assault can be something as simple as pushing someone during an argument in a bar. A felony assault may involve a weapon, a serious injury to the victim, or interference with the victim's ability to breathe. If the assault was against someone you have a domestic relationship with, like a family member or a dating partner, you may instead be charged with domestic violence, a more serious violent crime.
  • Burglary - Despite the common perception that burglary means forcibly breaking into someone's home at night, the legal definition covers other situations. Entering any building - or even a vehicle - intending to commit theft, assault, or any felony, is considered burglary.
  • Juvenile crimes - Juvenile offenses, like underage intoxication, DWI, or traffic offenses, can leave a lasting impact on a young person's life.
  • Murder - Murder and manslaughter are among the most serious felony offenses on the books, and they carry some of the harshest sentences in Tennessee.
  • Rape and sexual assault - A sex crime conviction can ruin your life. It is critical to have excellent legal representation when you are facing a charge of this nature.
  • White collar crimes - The line between professional misconduct that can get you fired and a federal crime that can get you sent to prison for years can be thin.
  • Public intoxication - Being so intoxicated that you are a danger to yourself or others while in public is a misdemeanor offense.

Contact a Knoxville-Based Criminal Defense Lawyer

Experienced Knoxville, Tennessee criminal defense attorney Lance K. Baker is skilled in taking on all types of criminal cases, from minor misdemeanors to the highest felonies in the state. Contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.

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