
Nashville Criminal Defense Attorney

Lawyer for Alcohol and Drug Crimes in Nashville, TN

Nashville can be a wonderful place to go out and enjoy yourself. locals and visitors alike can enjoy a lively bar and restaurant scene, live country music bands, and beautiful natural landscapes with plenty of water to boat on. However, your experience can be very quickly ruined by an arrest. The events that land you in a jail cell can happen very suddenly. Bar fights can break out without warning and lead to assault charges. You might be fine one moment and far more intoxicated than you meant to be the next, leading to public intoxication charges. You might be relaxing on your boat, heading back to shore when you are suddenly stopped for BUI.

If you are facing criminal charges, The Baker Law Firm can provide a strong criminal defense possible in your case. We will approach your case confidently and strategically, and we will do everything we can to keep one bad day from causing lifelong repercussions.

Alcohol and Drug-Related Crimes in Nashville

Drug or alcohol use is a common factor in a lot of crimes, even those that are not typically considered alcohol or drug-based offenses. Common types of crimes that may have to do with alcohol or drug use or stem from a substance abuse disorder include:

  • DUI and BUI - It can be very easy for a person to misjudge how intoxicated they actually are before they decide to drive home. Boaters may not even be thinking about the possibility of a BUI when they begin steering their boats back to shore after a day of relaxing on the water. First-time DUI charges can be serious, but the penalties will escalate for a subsequent DUI or a DUI with injury. People from out of state who are arrested for DUI in Tennessee will need to understand the requirements they will need to meet during their criminal cases.
  • Drug possession - People struggling with addiction or those who are experimenting with drugs can face long prison sentences if they are caught with even a small amount of harder substances.
  • Drug trafficking - Someone who is addicted to drugs might resort to selling them to help support their habit. Even small-scale sellers can be charged with trafficking.
  • Drug manufacturing - Drug users can quickly become involved in the drug trade, or they may attempt to manufacture their own drugs. This is common among people addicted to methamphetamine.
  • Public intoxication - While being drunk and in public is not an offense in and of itself, being so intoxicated that you become a danger to yourself, others, or property can get you arrested. Behaving in an unreasonably disruptive fashion can also lead to charges.
  • Underage alcohol offenses - Underage intoxication is a criminal offense. People under 21 years old can be charged with a DWI for driving with a BAC as low as 0.02%.
  • Burglary - People who are desperate for a way to support a drug addiction may resort to entering a building intending to commit theft. Hiding in a store until it closes to make stealing easier can also be considered burglary. Even breaking into a car can lead to burglary charges.
  • Assault and domestic violence - Assault or battery charges often stem from bar fights. People who are intoxicated may show poor judgment and allow a minor dispute to turn into a violent altercation. Those who are frequently intoxicated due to alcoholism or addiction are also more likely to physically lash out at a family member or romantic partner and get arrested for domestic violence. Alcohol or drug-related altercations can even escalate to murder charges if someone is killed inadvertently or in the heat of the moment.

A large number of people who abuse drugs or alcohol have underlying mental health concerns and need help, not prison.

Addressing Other Types of Criminal Charges

We can provide strong representation in multiple types of criminal cases, addressing charges such as:

We can help people who have been accused of crimes or others who have had property seized by law enforcement defend against asset forfeiture. We can also work with clients to seek expungements of criminal records.

Contact a Nashville, TN Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Baker Law Firm can provide top-quality representation to people facing criminal charges in Nashville. contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.

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