
Lenoir City Criminal Defense Attorney

Skilled Criminal Law Attorney for Misdemeanor and Felony Offenses Near Lenoir City

Getting arrested can be traumatic, but the part where you get handcuffed and taken to jail is only the beginning. You will need to return to court to respond to your charges. These charges may be fairly minor and unlikely to disrupt your life too much, or they may be extremely serious to the point where the course of your life might change forever. Whether you are charged with a minor misdemeanor or a very serious felony offense, you need legal representation. The situation can very quickly spiral out of control if your case is not handled by an experienced Loudon County criminal defense attorney.

The Baker Law Firm handles criminal cases at all levels, ranging from traffic violations all the way up to first-degree murder. Our team has been widely recognized for our skill in representing criminal defendants. We work to help our clients achieve successful outcomes to their cases.

Public Intoxication

Public intoxication is a relatively minor misdemeanor offense. People are generally only arrested for this crime if they are behaving in a very disruptive manner, or if they are so intoxicated that they have become a danger to themselves or others. While this charge can be quite embarrassing, an experienced attorney can often keep it from impacting your life in any serious way.

Underage Alcohol Crimes and Juvenile Offenses

People under 21 years old can be charged with a crime called Driving While Intoxicated with a BAC as low as 0.02%. They can also be charged with underage intoxication for possessing, serving, or trying to buy alcohol. This is a common reason college students are arrested. Underage alcohol crimes can be charged as adult or juvenile offenses depending on the age of the defendant.


DUI and BUI carry similar consequences. However, a DUI can get your driver's license suspended, which many people find worse than spending a few days in jail. An out of state DUI can lead to difficulties for those who may need to return to Tennessee to address criminal charges. The potential penalties can increase in cases involving DUI with injury, which may occur following an accident.

First DUIs carry a minimum of 48 hours in jail, while the consequences increase for repeat DUIs. A fourth DUI is a felony offense. If you refused a blood or breath test, you may be charged with an additional offense, but it might be harder for the state to convict you of DUI or BUI. If you took a blood or breath test, we might be able to challenge the results.

Assault and Domestic Violence

Assault and domestic violence can both be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the circumstances. Simple assault, like pushing someone or throwing a plastic cup of beer at them, is likely a misdemeanor. Assault and battery involving weapons, interference with breathing, or serious injuries will typically result in felony charges. If the alleged victim was a family member, someone you live with, or a romantic partner, you may instead be charged with domestic violence, and you may also need to respond to an order of protection.

Sex Crimes

Sex offenses are almost all felonies. Felony sex crimes include:


Kidnapping involves unlawfully restraining another person in a way that substantially interferes with their liberty and puts them at risk of bodily harm. This can be as simple as forcibly grabbing someone and dragging her into the next room.


Burglary applies to almost any situation where a person enters a building or vehicle with the intention of committing any felony, theft, or assault once inside. The building does not need to be a person's home, and something as simple as sticking your arm through a car's window to steal some loose change might count.


Murder charges in Tennessee come in varying degrees of seriousness. First-degree murder involving purposeful and premeditated killing is the most serious. Criminally negligent homicide, an accidental killing through carelessness, is normally the least serious - but it is still a major felony.

Other Types of Criminal Charges

We can provide a strong defense if you have been arrested and charged with offenses such as:

We can also help people clear their criminal records through expungement, and we can help determine the best ways to respond to asset forfeiture.

Contact a Lenoir City, TN Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Baker Law Firm provides top-quality criminal defense services to defendants. If you are facing criminal charges, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.

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