
Nashville Drug Crimes Attorney

Attorney for Possession, Trafficking, and Manufacturing in Nashville, TN

The war on drugs is still raging all across the country. Courts and law enforcement are working hard to reduce the rates of addiction and stop serious drug offenders from introducing dangerous substances to the streets of Nashville. Even lower-level offenders can become caught up in the war on drugs. People who should probably be seen as victims of the drug epidemic - those who are addicted to illicit substances - are being incarcerated at alarming rates. It is not uncommon for people who are struggling with substance abuse to begin selling drugs or committing other crimes to pay for their habit. If you have been charged with a drug crime, you need a compassionate and skilled criminal defense lawyer to help you.

The Baker Law Firm is experienced in working with those charged with drug crimes. We provide effective representation for people who have been arrested for drug-related offenses. Whether you are a college student who was caught with a small amount of marijuana or are accused of a much more serious offense, like trafficking heroin, we can help you.

Help With Simple Drug Possession Charges

Even being caught with a small amount of drugs for personal use can be treated as a felony offense. The type of sentence you could be facing depends on the type of drug you were caught with and the amount you had. If you had a larger quantity, you might be charged with possession with intent to distribute, which is a more serious offense.

Being in possession of any amount of a Schedule I drug, like heroin, LSD, or psychedelic mushrooms, can lead to a years-long prison sentence. It may seem counterintuitive that psychedelic drugs, which are widely considered non-addictive and relatively safe, are in this category, but Tennessee law places these substances in the most dangerous category of illicit substances. At the bottom of the drug schedule is marijuana. You may only face a misdemeanor if you only had a small amount.

Drug Trafficking Attorney in Nashville

Less serious forms of drug trafficking would be called distribution in most other states. In Tennessee, trafficking is an extremely broad term that covers anything from sharing MDMA with your friends at a party without collecting money from them to moving large quantities of cocaine around the state to sell. Trafficking can also be charged as a federal crime if the offense involved bringing drugs across state lines.

Drug Manufacturing Lawyer

Manufacturing is also a fairly broad term. It covers actions like:

  • Cultivating (growing) plant-based drugs like marijuana or psychedelic mushrooms
  • Preparing drugs for consumption, such as by making "pre-rolls" to sell or by preparing heroin for use by others
  • Converting a substance, such as by cooking cocaine into crack
  • Creating a substance, such as by cooking methamphetamine or synthesizing LSD
  • Repackaging drugs, such as taking a large quantity of cocaine and repackaging it into smaller bags to be sold

Drug Charges and Your Constitutional Rights

Drug charges may be brought after a police officer violates a defendant's right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. If you, your home, or your car were searched without a warrant simply because a police officer thought you "just looked like" a drug user, you might have a strong defense. Or, if you were pulled over without a valid legal reason, or if the officer prolonged the stop to wait for a drug-sniffing dog, your rights could have been violated. Any evidence stemming from an illegal search can be dismissed, meaning that it cannot be used against you in court.

Contact a Nashville, TN Drug Crimes Attorney

The Baker Law Firm can develop powerful defense strategies in drug crime cases. If you are facing drug charges, contact us at 865-200-4117 for a complimentary consultation.

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